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Topic: Chess Lesson for the Weaker Player: Forks
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OnceuponEngland flag


Here's another.

White to move. The black Bishop on c5 is unprotected. How can White take advantage of this?

jaychessSingapore flag
I am thinking of Ne5 but won't the queen move to e6 and protect the bishop?

OnceuponEngland flag
If you mean Ne4, then the black Queen could move to e7. She could also defend the c5 Bishop by moving to f5 or e5. So you can't allow that :-P

Here's a clue. White's idea is to fork using his Queen on the second move, winning a piece. But firstly, he needs to make a capture.

OnceuponEngland flag

White plays 1. Nxe6

and if Black responds with 1...fxe6 then White can play 2. Qh5+ forking both the black King (with check) and the Bishop on c5, thereby winning the Bishop after Black has dealt with the check to his King.

Getting the hang of it? ;-)

RIVASArgentina flag
NICE!!! :-)

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