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Topic: My Personal GM Tutor
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RaethUnited States flag
Its truly amazing how much a person can learn from the chess software programs of today. It won't be too much longer before they will actually be able to discuss various positions in written language.

Before playing the following game, Rybka told me about a simultaneous knight/bishop trap on the queenside in my opening repertoire and showed me how to exploit it; I dutifully updated the repertoire and in the very next game it paid off!

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1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. O-O d6 5. c3 Nf6 6. d4 exd4 7. cxd4 Bb4
8. d5 Ne7 9. Qa4+ *

Rybka actually helped me to create my own theory. :-D 8-)

It is truly like I have my own personal GM tutor. :-)

whyBishNew Zealand flag
I will have to try Rybka at some stage. I think that Chessmaster is very good for training most people (including myself) as it isn't aimed at GM level play, and covers a lot about 'non-chess' like psychology.

RaethUnited States flag

1) I am only using the final free version (2.3) and to the best of my understanding, Rybka is only an engine.

2) When I say "Rybka told me about", I mean that when I scanned the multi-PV candidates to 30 depth, I noticed a few "normal" looking candidates that were scored at a significant loss for Black. The variations displayed gave me the specific moves necessary to exploit it.

Truly though, it was like I was having a convo with a GM about the position. In the full variation with proper play, there is a nasty counter-attack where Black makes a bid for the queenside rook with the bishop (d4 is the crucial square; it ultimately fails but makes the score closer). It was like Rybka was "telling" me all about it (by examining the variations inquisitively).

;-) 8-)

PS Chessmaster is pay only huh?

whyBishNew Zealand flag
The good thing with CM is that you could pick it up cheap as you don't need the latest version. CM8000 is almost as good (from a learning point of view) as CM11, and can probably be picked up for $10-20

RaethUnited States flag
Well, I mean why do you like it; how could I use it?

tewaldUnited States flag
"...when I scanned the multi-PV candidates to 30 depth, I noticed a few "normal" looking candidates that were scored at a significant loss for Black." Not really sure what you mean by that. Did you just play up to a certain point and then tell Rybka to analyze the position? I have Fritz and Rybka. Thanks.

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