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Topic: Lost my queen on the 6th, checkmate on the 18th!
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seigneurCanada flag
It's seigneur. It means lord in French.

No it's not, not when you're a queen down. I'd point out I mentioned something about being a pawn or a piece down and how you still stood a chance, but how it was very different when you lost a queen on the sixth move, but I guess it would be lost somewhere before it reached anybody.

seigneurCanada flag
(not when two people are the same strength anyway)

whyBishNew Zealand flag
Maybe at the GM level, but at our level, why not force your opponent to prove their middle game technique. Material advantage is no use if you let your opponent get a lead in development and have other positional advantages.
Personally I resign on either the second blunder, or after one blunder and proof that my opponent has shown best play. I have seen people here who usually resign when slightly losing, but in second or third rounds of open tournaments will play until mate. And I have also had people resign against me when I didn't even realise how strong my position was (and would probably have blundered the advantage they saw I had).

OnceuponEngland flag
Cheeky monkey.

jcmPhilippines flag
Why is it disrespectful to play on? The game is the game. If you can win it, prove it. Razoman saw in his opponent's play that he still had a chance. Why give that up? I've had opponents here force me to demonstrate a K+Q+PPP vs. K endgame. I don't feel insulted or disrespected at all.

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