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Welcome to Queen Alice!

QueenAlice.com is a friendly community of correspondence chess players of all levels and ages. Playing chess at QueenAlice.com is great way to improve your game and have fun without having to invest a lot of your time.

If you want to learn more about this site please visit the About Queen Alice page.

The chess boards below are actual games in progress that are being played by some of our members. Click on any of the boards to view the game with our interactive chess board. The only system requirement is that you have a last generation javascript enabled web browser.

Sexxy_Bunny Online  United States flag Canaye14 Online  France flag Leftpawn Online  United States flag
Game Game Game
trompmaster  Canada flag Fredo  Brazil flag jenyasm  United States flag

The boards above are images generated from the current game positions. Click on them to view the games as they are seen by the players in our interactive chess board (and once there be sure to click the Think button and move some pieces!).

You are only seconds away from meeting other players and starting a game. Just follow these three steps:

  1. Register as a member. It's free!

  2. Challenge another member (we can suggest who) or create an Open Game that any other member can join.

  3. If you play white, make your move right in your web browser, using our interactive chess board. You can then leave the site and do something else, as we will send you an email when it is your turn to move again!

©2004-2025 Queen Alice Internet Chess Club
All rights reserved.