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Topic: Blindfold chess
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knightsdefenceEngland flag
I was wondering if anyone here can play blindfold chess and if so how did you learn? I take it being able to do this would improve your vision otb and make books easier to read. Is there any shortcuts or is it going to take me months even years to learn this skill. I've also read somewhere this can cause scizhophrenia is this from playing multiple blindfold matches or just the one. any help would be greatly appreciated.

superdadUnited States flag
Blindfold Internet chess! You don't look at the screen, but type in what you think should happen...

MajnuIndia flag
here is a good system to learn blindfold chess:


Good luck and have fun!

zoki74Croatia flag
He-he :-D ; if you want play [or training] blinfold chess here, just turn off Java Script option in your browser ;-) ; and...; good luck. :-)

Btw., this is a "sport", only for a very strongs and experiences chess players [FM; IM; or GM], with a very strongs memorys and concentrations...

knightsdefenceEngland flag
zoki74 i understand what your saying about it being hard but when you say only masters can play im not convinced. surely this is more about memory than chess skill and memory can be learnt.
Maybe i wont be able to learn but surely it's worth a go and it can't do any harm.

zoki74Croatia flag
knightsdefence wrote: zoki74 i understand what your saying about it being hard but when you say only masters can play im not convinced.

Btw., everyone can play's blindfold chess :-) , but, only a very experiences and strongs players [btw., mainly = masters :-) ], can play's blindfold chess on some a "very solid level"...

But, if you enjoy in learn's [and in a training...] blindfold chess, then, "go ahead" ;-)

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