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Topic: One with the sicilian :D
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PhilidorUnited States flag
I played the wing gambit in another post here which was also quite good, typically however I start with 1.Nf3 fishing for a reversed Nimzo-Indian or 1.b3 to give black a 1...e5 option, having familiarity with 1.Nf3 2.e3 is great as it's sound and not alot of people have experience against it as black, I highly recommend it to begginners who's opponents typically go for the ideal center with a bishop on c4. But in the game here 6.Ndb5 or 6.Nb3 is to be recommended, having an open b-file plus a pawn at c6 gives black a great game. The failed trap by white is commical if you look at this game until the end.

DesafianteBrazil flag
After your 16th move, the game was already decided. It was just a matter of technique. But nice final blow, when your opponent fell in the c-pawn trap.

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