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Topic: Mate in Two
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GambitsharkIceland flag
How is then the other close crossroad move 1.Be3..
(with the same ideas as in 1.Re3?)at least Rf7 does not work for black then! ;-)

badblockBrazil flag
Obviously that the Blacks are lost, but for each move that I find the blacks refute the mate in 2, but does not pass of the third or fourth move!

if 1.Be3 Rf7 .. 2.Rxe6++ ( the black rook blocks the bishop g8 ),
but the bishop also do work for the blacks, in square g7 ( Bishop blocks the Queen and protect g6 !)

1.Be3 Bf7

GambitsharkIceland flag
okay,now I got it. I had always looking for some brilliant way to the mate. Missing the simple:1,g5!
Threating Qf6+ mate. Its only stopped with Rf7 or Bf7 and then came the mat I have mention before:1.g5 -Rf7 2.Rxe6+mate or 1.g5 Bf7 2.Qg7+ mate. on other black moves comes the Queen mate at f6..correct? :-)

badblockBrazil flag
Gambitshark, great!

The move most simple was most powerful...

flintNorway flag
There are two more variations that must be considered on 1.g5:
A/ 1... Be3 (removes the pin on Ne4) 2.Nxf3#
B/ 1... Re3 Qxf4#

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