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Topic: An interesting game won
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PhilidorUnited States flag
Here is a game I've played here on Queenalice

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1. e4 g6 2. d4 Bg7 3. Nf3 d6 4. Bc4 Nf6 5. Nc3 Nbd7?? 6. O-O? ( my opponent had 6. Bxf7!,Kxf7 7. Ng5 +- and I'd resign due to carelessly bashing out moves in less then a second ) 7... O-O 7. e5 ( this move is premature ) 7... dxe5 8. dxe5 Ng4 9. Qe2 Ndxe5 10. Nxe5 Nxe5 11. Bb3 Nc6 12. Rd1 Nd4 13. Qc4 Be6 ( trades the inactive bishop for the active, the open a-file can't be used effectively by white ) 14. Qb4 Bxb3 15. axb3 Nxc2 16. Qxb7 Bxc3! ( nows the time to trade the fianchettod bishop for the adventageous 2 rooks and minor piece vs. queen ending, the tactics in this game where exciting to say the least ) 17. Rxd8 Raxd8 18. g3 Rd1+ 19. Kg2 Nxa1 20. bxc3 Rxc1 21. Qxc7 Nxb3 22. Qxa7 Rc8 23. Qxe7 R1xc3 24. Qe5 Rc2 25. Qe3 Nd2 26. h4 Rd8 27. Qe7 Rb8 28. Qe5 Rb6 29. Qe8+ Kg7 30. g4 Re6 31. Qa4 Rc4 32. Qd1 Rd4 33. Qa1 Re4 34. Kg3 Rxg4+ 35. Kh3 Rxh4+ 36. Kg3 f6 37. Qa7+ Kh6 38. f3 Rhf4 39. Qe7 Rxf3+

PhilidorUnited States flag
So there you have it, in queen vs. other pieces endings with equal pawns on the same wing the side with the queen should aim for a perpetual while being on the lookout for tactics, and the side with the pieces should work on properly cordinating the pieces while securing the king in a fort, materially speaking I could have sacrificed the knight for two pawns and still be materially superior, however cordination first, material second.

BlackadderUnited Kingdom flag
I have a few comments;

1) firstly you say 7.e5 is premature, I'd like to know why.

I think e5 is the strongest move, Re1? Nb6 Bd3 and I think white has lost his advantage.

2) you made no comment about whites 9th move -- Bxf7+ looks very strong.

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