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Topic: Sahovski Informator Vols 01-88 (1966~2003)
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capmoBrazil flag
Hi everyone!

For those of you who wanted some study material, what about ALL the games published in the Sahovski Chess Informants from numbers 01 to 88? That covers a time span of almost 40 years! (1965~2003)

Getting down to the numbers, that means 89.546 games, only the finest ones picked each year.

All of this is within a unique huge .pgn file (99MB) that I have found elsewhere and zipped to make it more easily downloadable. Here is the link, enjoy!

capmoBrazil flag
Obs: Edited today to remove the download links that were already invalid. There has been at least 16 downloads... any comments? Was it usefull?

If someone else wants the file, write me privately.

LizBrazil flag
I appreciate your offer for some basic chess books. Can you give me the link?
Thank you.

LizBrazil flag
Thank you for your attention.

RIVASArgentina flag
thanks, capmo ;-)

miguelUnited States flag
This isn't the place to share files, please do it somewhere else where only you can get in trouble and not the whole site.



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