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Topic: Endgame and Middle game Browser on Queenalice
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ChrisDavison102United Kingdom flag
We have an Opening Browser on Queenalice and I suggest that we should have an Endgame and a Middlegame Browser. What do you all think Everyone? ;-)

Lightningzap007England flag
they should have an online data base and it has all games played by all members of the site. Like the one GameKnot has. and you click on a move e.g. 1.e4
1.d4 1.c4 and if you click on 1.e4 it shows you how many people play a certain move on the list. then after clicking on 1.e4 you have a choice to click on 1.c5, 1.c6, 1.d6., 1.d5, 1.e6 1.e5 1.Nf6 1.Nc6 and it cuts down the choices the more moves that you click on. :-)

ChrisDavison102United Kingdom flag
Don't know about that. People might not like their games being shown on this site.

fbnBrazil flag
Good Idea, and it would be very useful information, the number of people who did that move, and if he won or lost the game... so with this you could quickly choose the best moves (of course that is not a secure way to choose)... and about the privacy of the players, their names could stay hidden, that would't be enough?

averroes02Algeria flag
yes, it's interesting to show an endgame browser and a middlegame browser about tactics, blunders, traps and problems.

averroes02Algeria flag
I like if our games will be shows in this site. this is a game and we accept our loses games and our wins games and our errors, this is the way to perfection, we aren't masters but amateurs.

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