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Topic: Is the hippo defense sound?
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PhilidorUnited States flag
From my evaluations it isnt :-( That is why I play the Modern because a b6,Bb7,g6,Bg7,e6,d6,Nd7,Ne7 parrot formation just seems so damn impracticle. I would love to play this against all 1.e4 games but realistically white comes out on top. The Norwayan (spelling?) defense 1.e4,g6 2.d4,Nf6 3.e5,h5 4.Be2,d6 is a line I'm itching to try out as it is a dynamic, yet sophisticated way to begin.

teer1186United States flag
im fairly new at really learning chess. i've played for as long as i can remember, but i never really tried to study it. what are the different formations and what do you believe is the best formation to start out? i hope you dont mind the help? :-/

PhilidorUnited States flag
This is for specifically the Hippo formation (move order not important from the line I give) I recommend the Tiger modern or French against 1.e4 and against 1.d4 and 1.c4 queen or nimzo indian formatins are great. Just beware as white trying for scholars mate with 1.e4 2.Qf3 3.Bc4 or allways playing 1.e4 2.Nf3 3.Bc4, which is fine against 1.e4,e5 2.Nc3, but obviously not against the French defense or Sicilian lol! Alot of begginners play like that and I advice against it.

richerbyUnited Kingdom flag

Philidor wrote: Just beware as white [...] allways playing 1.e4 2.Nf3 3.Bc4, which is fine against 1.e4,e5 2.Nc3, but obviously not against the French defense or Sicilian lol!

There's nothing terrible in 2.Nf3 3.Bc4 (or even the other way round) against the Sicilian. It's not the strongest but there's nothing really bad about it.

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