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Topic: J. de Moura
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richerbyUnited Kingdom flag
Aw, not fair. It was much more exciting when he was a total mystery.

I mean, er, thanks for that research, pladeira! :-D

robelixBrazil flag
A João Moura gave a speech when Aleckine visited Portugal for the first time, in 1940. The Russian beat 7 players in a simul, playing blindfold...

He might have been a Bridge champ too: http://www.quintonaipe.com/escola/historia.html#bportugal

And yes, a Joao Moura was 3 times National Chess Champion in Portugal, in the forties...

All sites in Portuguese. But I like my "janitor" story better! ;-) Sorry, Gil, DID you really believed it and even checked my bogus site! Sweet!

robelixBrazil flag
Gil, I didnt't create the site! It was just there waiting for a good joke! I thought of "talltales.com", which doesn't exist yet, but it would have probably spoiled it! I'm glad you liked it because I made it on a very bad day for me, and was just trying to have a good laugh against all odds!

SinjaAustria flag
Thank you very much for your funny and very helpful comments. U will try to translate those Portuguese files into an English version.
Well, I even enjoyed the "janitor" story ... Thank you for that!
Yours with a smile beyond the internet, Sinja %-)

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