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Topic: Am I being Time Hustled?
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redrumAustralia flag
I have a few games in progress & one guy waits until the time almost runs out then moves! Is it possible to be Time Hustled? Thanks!

capmoBrazil flag
I don't see what's the problem in doing so! If he wants to take the risk of losing on time, it's his business alone.

richerbyUnited Kingdom flag
You agreed to play a game at X days per move. If you're not happy for your opponent to take X days for his moves, don't agree to such games.

chessnmUnited States flag
"Time Hustling" is a legitimate form of strategy in correspondence play. It's not poor sportsmanship.

I’ve been on that end of the stick, too. When faced with a “Time Hustler,” I suggest you plan on being on-line as the end time gets closer and closer, and then claim the game if it goes one second over the allowed time.

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