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Topic: Any news about Bobby Fischer
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richerbyUnited Kingdom flag

I think to be an attitude "paranoia" this the USA persecuting citizens for their political opinions.

Well, he played chess in Yugoslavia in defiance of US sanctions and refused to pay tax on his earnings. That sounds like fairly legitimate grounds to pursue him, to me, though they shouldn't have waited so long after the event.

richerbyUnited Kingdom flag
For what it's worth, they didn't take away his citizenship: just his passport. He renounced his citizenship of his own accord.

GambitsharkIceland flag
the USA behavior to Fischer is some kind of terrorism..USA goverment is not better than Bin Laden and fellows..Fischer is like Morphy the most chess genius ever and USA treatment against him is criminal..USA goverment is false..they give/or sell weapons to criminal coverments/presidents like Saddam Hussein was and then USA say Fischer who just was playing chess is the worst man in the world for playin chess in Jugaslavia..

razomanPhilippines flag
As a chessplayer, I can only "judge" him only on his chessplaying not on his mental health, his political leanings or his religion. And he was a great chessplayer and his great feats in 1972 brought me back to chessplaying. Thanks Bobby.

richerbyUnited Kingdom flag

Gambitshark wrote: the USA behavior to Fischer is some kind of terrorism
Oh, please. `Terrrorism' does not mean `unpleasant things that I disagree with.' In what way is the US government's behaviour intended to strike fear into the general populace?

Fischer is like Morphy the most chess genius ever
Does that somehow excuse him from the laws that apply to the rest of us?

USA say Fischer who just was playing chess is the worst man in the world
No, they just said he was a criminal for breaking sanctions and not paying tax.

Please stop trying to argue by ludicrous exaggeration.

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