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Topic: false check-mate
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capmoBrazil flag
rubenov, we would have to use other words to say check to a queen: “check-mate” is a corruption of the Persian “shakh mat!” which literally means “the king is dead!” :-D

(and when we say “check”, it's just a kind of warning to our opponent: [your] “king” [is under attack!], hehe)

OnceuponEngland flag
In correspondence chess, remember to announce it very loudly so that your opponent can hear you :-P

Keeper_of_dragonsUnited States flag
I almost always announce "check" in a table top game, especially if it isn't a timed game. In a timed game I guess you could use up your opponents clock by not announcing (if they don't see it, try to make an illegal move and make another move they wasted time and have to rethink). I don't ever say "check-mate" but instead will say "I believe that is check-mate" just in case I missed something, they are always free to study the board.

OnceuponEngland flag
Sometimes I announce check on every move, much to the irritation of my opponents :-P

When it comes to mate, I state: "War is war, loser."

RayDuque3United States flag
You don't have to say check or check mate in a tournament games but in a pick games it is your choice to say it or not. ;-)

Ray Duque III
New York City

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