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Topic: Mate in 2..but Fritz cant see it
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ciccioscacchiItaly flag
FEN: 8/8/4R3/6Q1/8/2K2p2/5k2/5b2 w - - 0 1

Do you see mate in 2? Fritz says #4!! :-O

TheAlchemistSlovenia flag
What move does it start with, probably some check like 1.Qh4+? Chessmaster also likes that move on Quick Hint.

For all practical purposes, it doesn't make much difference whether you see a mate in 4 or 2, and I think that it's even "safer" to force mate with a continuous series of checks, but it's a totally different thing with problems. BTW, it's 1.Re1, I think the problem was composed by the great Sam Loyd.

badblockBrazil flag
It's easy !!!!

1.Re1 Kxe1 2.Qd2#

1.Re1 Bg2 2.Qh4#

1.Re1 (other move) 2.Qg1#

ciccioscacchiItaly flag
Well done! White wins by Zugzwang.

ExirChina flag
Zugzwang... That's why Fritz doesn't see it - probably some null-move heuristic.

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