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Topic: Learning to play English Opening as White
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I managed to get a copy of "The Gambit Guide to the English Opening: 1...e5" by Carsten Hansen (I wanted to get "The Dynamic English" but it was not available).

The book does not have a chapter on the Advanced Fianchetto (2 g3 and 3 Bg2, usually with Nc3 to follow).

This is the chapter list. Which are the most important chapters to study? I think Chapter 3 and Chapter 4. The pawn structure in the Closed Variation is similar to the pawn structure in the Advanced Fianchetto and in both variations White tries to control d5 (in the Closed, he also plays on the b-file). The Advanced Fianchetto variation shoiuld be like the Fianchetto variation except that g3 is played earlier, and Black also tries to transpose in the King's Indian, so what I learn in that chapter could be useful against 1...Nf6.

1. Reversed Sicilian (Introduction)
2. Reversed Dragon (Main Line)
3. The Closed Variation
4. The Fianchetto Variation (King's Indian Approach by Black)
5. The Three Knights
6. The Four Knights without 4 g3
7. The Four Knights with 4 g3
8. Systems with ...f5
9. Systems with 2...d6 or 2...Bb4.

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