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Topic: Is there any child in this web?
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razomanPhilippines flag
I agree with richerby.

kloosterveenNetherlands flag
Yes, he is right, but everyone can see their age at their profile!
I always thought that you must be at least 15 years to get access.
Or is it different when parents agree?
Maybe these youngsters should not fill in their age at their i.d.

richerbyUnited Kingdom flag
Well, it's nice for everybody to be saying that I'm right, though it does make my head very big. I think there's a difference between having the information publicly available on the profile and having it centrally indexed in a thread here but it would probably be best for children not to put their ages on their profiles.

razomanPhilippines flag
Some rules were established for kids to follow when using the internet. I think it included precautions in interacting with adults in the internet.

junelorenaPhilippines flag
Im a kid im using my daddy computer when he allows me he set it up blocks all other websites but not queenalice, chesscafe, chessgames, and jeremysilman.

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