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Topic: Comparing QueenAlice Ratings
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GreyRavenGermany flag
Hi all,
I'm new to this fantastic site, but I have a question?
Is there a possibility to compare the QueenAlice Rating with any other? Maybe an ELO rating or an rating at IECG?
Are there players who have any official rating?
At the moment my QA-Rating is 1442p but I think it's too high because I'm a blunderer :-)


richerbyUnited Kingdom flag

GreyRaven wrote: Is there a possibility to compare the QueenAlice Rating with any other?

No, there's no way to compare, other than to try to set up a correlation by looking at people who have ratings here and somewhere else.

Maybe an ELO rating

Elo isn't a `unit' of rating (in the sense that the metre is a unit of distance; it's a system designed by a guy called Arpad Elo. It's just a way of calculating ratings (in the same way that a measuring tape is a way of calculating distance) that's used by many chess organizations, such as FIDE and, indeed, here.

At the moment my QA-Rating is 1442p but I think it's too high

There's no such thing as a rating that's `too high'. The only significant thing about Elo systems is the difference between two people's ratings, which tells you who's most likely to win. As such, Miguel, the site admin, could add one million to everybody's rating right now and it would make no difference to the system's integrity.

GreyRavenGermany flag
Thanks for you comment. I am only wondering about my high rating. At IECG my rating is in the range between 750 and 850. That's the background of my topic.

miguelUnited States flag
You played only 4 games so far, that's not enough data, wait until you become established (> 25 games) to have an idea of your rating on this site.


fabiobulcaoBrazil flag
I was reading a book about Correspondance chess and the autor talks about a difference between correspondence chess rating and Table chess rating. Maybe the sense of a "too high" rating comes from this difference... because correspondence ratings are often higher than table chess ratings.

GreyRavenGermany flag
But IECG (International Email Chess Group) is also Correspondence Chess :-)

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