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Topic: Queen Alice 1st Anniversary Tournament
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DuncanPhilippines flag
Thanks for the response Miguel.

The pessimism is based on my actual tourney experience on the site. While most of the games are completed within 1-2 months, the next round only gets started 5-6 months later since there are invariably 1 or 2 players moving at 1 move/week.

Average pace doesn't apply here. The longest (slowest) game for the round will dictate how long the round will last.

Anyway, one reason I'm bringing this up is because on another site where the Swiss format is used, the organizers had to go into "game adjudication" just to get the next round started. This raises a bit of an issue by itself.

I'm hoping it doesn't happen here.


miguelUnited States flag
I guess you are right, the risk of the tournament extending for years and years is there.

You know what, I will make the time controls for this tournament 3 days/move instead of 7.

Does anyone have any objections to 3 days/move?



alib2004Philippines flag
hi miguel,
i have an opponent that moves on the average of 5 days so you may want to plan for the WORST CASE. I suggest, to reduce the number of rounds like two rounds so the tournament can be finished within the year.

SengTeohMalaysia flag
Hi Miguel,

3 d/m is better, but the risk of the tournament lasting years is still there. E.g. if slowest game = 80 move/game say, 2 days average per move, 2 sides = 320 days per game or nearly 11 months per Round.

Perhaps we need a more "efficient" time-control - suggest an initial time credit (say 80 days), which gets reduced if the move is not made within 1 day (24 hours). This way, the same 80 move game will last 80 x 2 x 1 (d/m say) = 160 days = 5+ months, or half the time above.

This can still take a couple of years or more to complete.

So, another suggestion is to consider playing 2 games for the initial rounds (say first 2 rounds) instead of 1. This way, 6 games will be played in 4 rounds instead of 6. The pairing for Round 1 should be paired "reasonably" (say rating difference smaller than 400 points), else, some players could be "overly-advantaged" by favorable pairings in Round 1. This way, I think the tournament could complete within 2 years.

Just my suggestions above - as the organizer, Miguel, I understand you will have received many conflicting suggestions, so, please feel free to disregard the above if it's not practical.


catalanAndorra flag
En alguna web he visto ese sistema: dar 30 dias para el total de la partida y sumar un dia por movimiento. Así, contando con 30 mov por partida de media, y uno mas por cada movimiento, la partida se podria resolver como máximo en tres meses (30 dias + 30 dias jugador A + 30 dias jugador B) Tenemos la partida en 3 a 4 meses Total para 6 rondas: 2 años. Me sale lo mismo.
: Another idea. In some web I have seen that system: to give 30 days for the total of the departure and to add one day for movement. This way, having 30 mov for stocking departure, and one but for each movement, the departure could be solved as maximum in three months (30 days + 30 days player A + 30 days player B) we have the game in 3 to 4 months total for 6 beats: 2 years. It leaves me the same thing.

Otra idea: jugar los sabados por la noche( domingo por la mañana en Europa, y domingo tarde en Asia). Así, con un grupo de jugadores jugando en línea se podrian concluir unas cuantas partidas, o si no, avanzarlas.
Another idea: to play on Saturdays at night (Sunday morning in Europe, and Sunday afternoons in Asia). This way, with a group of players playing on-line some how many departures could be concluded, or if not, to advance games.


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