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Topic: Queen Alice 1st Anniversary Tournament
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miguelUnited States flag
It is difficult to please everybody.

I don't think those were complains but feedback, and I asked for it. I made the decision to change to 3 days per move because a valid point was rased: we don't want the tournament to extend for several years.

Over 80% of the active members of the site login once a day to make moves, so the majority of the players will not be affected.

I understand that you may be in the 20% that can't commit to a move every 3 days, but if you read the older posts in this thread and do the math you will realize that if you make a move every 7 days, even if your opponent replies right away it will take over 7 years for the tournament to end.

Fair or unfair there is an issue that needs to be resolved. If you have another feasible solution of course I will consider it.


MikeDohertyCanada flag
someone mentioned a good idea about a type of increment system, 30 for all plus a day after you move

miguelUnited States flag

someone mentioned a good idea

Yes, I agree it is a better time control, but I don't have time to implement it for this tournament. I actually haven't finished implementing the pairings of the swiss tournament yet.

TheGreenBishopUnited States flag
Thank you for the consideration on this, Miguel. Perhaps in the future you could run a different type of tournament for this, say a dropout tournament in which there would be fewer and fewer participants each round.

mandaragitPhilippines flag
i've been enjoying my stay here at QUEEN ALICE and truly resolved to continue playing here for the rest of my life....hence my opinion...let the anniversary swiss tournamemt drag on for several years or for ETERNITY! as long as you enjoy playing chess, it doesn't matter much because during the intervening periods of the swiss tournament, there would come the 2nd QA anniversary tournament, the 3rd one and so forth, not to mention the regular tournaments being offered. what a good life!

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