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Topic: I am half lost in the openings!
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você ta querendo aberturas eh isso cara? se for joga d4, e3, f4, Bispo em d3, cavalo ali em f3

rock pequeno, eu jogo assim ;D ai vc joga o bispo preto na frente da dama ;D e te vira dps xD

TheAlchemistSlovenia flag

Ola friends, somebody can give tips to me on openings? I thank Carlos.

I would second Richerby's advice, play by general principles and you should get a decent game. But in some of your games I've looked at you played well, only that 1.e4 2.Bc4 3.Qf3 was a bit "ambitious" :-D .

And to follow up on m_2788's advice, there are opening formations, like the King's Indian Attack (Nf3, g3, Bg2, d3, Nbd2, e4 etc., move order may vary), where you can play it virtually against any black response. But it doesn't suit everybody's style of play.

tewaldUnited States flag
Find a white opening you're comfortable with, and get black responses to 1.d4 and 1.e4. It would be nice if they all have some common themes, to cut your study time down. Study those 3 openings well, and you should do pretty well.

jnablePhilippines flag
I try to play e4 most of the time with white, since my main concern is PIECE ACTIVITY. I play d4 only seldomly since I don't seem to get much out of the openings arising from d4. With black, I use mainly the French or the Caro-Kann mainly because I don't understand the Sicilian and the Ruy Lopez. If I use the Ruy, I use Bc5 on the third the third move. Against d4, I follow QGD lines, and also a very early c5 (is this Tarrasch's Defence?), sometimes also, I ventureon a King's Indian, although I do not know what to do with the c7 pawn and when to move Nd7. I think I defend well against the King's Gambit, and with white I believe I understand well the positions if black plays the Caro-Kann and the French. I have a couple of fine games against the French (vs. Razoman and Alberty, I'm not too sure now). In blitz, I also play the King's Indian Attack formation against the Sicilian. I lost 2 games very very badly as black in the following gambit: 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 dxe4 4. f3. I believe I am a very competent endgame player, and this is a usual weakness of most of my opponents here in queenalice, and blitz players I went up against. I am very wary now "General Principles," since this usually gave me bad results. It is important, as I realize now and as I usually forget, to compute concrete variations. I sometimes get overconfident so I lost or drew winning positions. Anyway, my guiding principle is piece activity, and as a corollary, tactical awareness. The better players anywhere are usually the more tactically aware. I hope this long litany helps you. :-)

jnablePhilippines flag
I rarely consult opening manuals and databases since I'm lazy. I am learning most of my opening knowledge from playing a lot of 5- and 10-minute chess. :-)

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