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Topic: Top list players QA -31 dec.2006 and 31 dec. 2007
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GambitsharkIceland flag
It can bee interesting to look what have happened on the QA ELO list in last year. The rating is now much higher and some of the top players 2006 are not playin here now and many new stars have rised. Look at this:
Top Players QueenAlice 31 december 2006

1.Zoki 74 Croatia 2409
2.Losloper Belgie 2404
3.Shogun Croatia 2392
4.Alsina Espana 2382
5.CroKramnik Croatia 2380
6.Lukius Brasil 2359
7.Csparrow Brasil 2359
8.Gambitshark Ísland 2350
9.Vlad Russia 2347
10.Gbsalvio Brasil 2345
11.Arb France 2338
12.Eagacunha Brasil 2336
13.Pumamercadino Italia 2335
14.Bergman Sverige 2297
15.Tonyalme Brasil 2296
16.Ninjax Japan 2292
17.Jiikoo Finland 2283
18.Pensalo Italia 2276
19.Dilucia Brasil 2260
20.Jarac Crotaia 2252
21.Mquest Brasil 2247
22.Rassend 2247
23.Mirok Brasil 2247
24.Carlos75 Espana 2246
25.Flengmaster Ísland 2245
The top 25 list now one year later 31.december 2007:

Gambitshark 19 sep 2004 2561 Iceland flag

vlad 18 ágú 2006 2541 Russia flag

Bergman 20 okt 2006 2525 France flag

mbake5 14 jún 2007 2508 United States flag

Lukius 27 maí 2006 2501 Brazil flag

LoveChess 13 júl 2006 2475 Russia flag

shogun 23 des 2005 2461 Croatia flag

eagacunha 2 maí 2006 2450 Brazil flag

gbsalvio 16 júl 2005 2446 Brazil flag Brazil flag

Carlos75 4 júl 2006 2444 Spain flag 266 217 35 14 16 [Skora á]
Sidinei 17 nóv 2006 2429 Brazil flag 295 212 26 57 19 [Skora á]
Kaupauki 9 feb 2006 2428 Iceland flag 182 116 45 21 19 [Skora á]
csparrow 17 sep 2005 2428 Brazil flag 190 149 35 6 10 [Skora á]
Amadeus 20 jan 2007 2420 Norway flag 281 213 24 44 48 [Skora á]
Alsina 1 mar 2005 2420 Spain flag 514 375 92 47 24 [Skora á]
Tecodamara 17 júl 2005 2409 Brazil flag 151 107 27 17 26 [Skora á]
jarac 18 júl 2006 2407 Croatia flag 144 103 35 6 6 [Skora á]
Rusty 10 mar 2007 2406 United Kingdom flag 242 205 26 11 65 [Skora á]
Brandon 18 ágú 2005 2389 New Zealand flag 146 121 12 13 17 [Skora á]
shtrubi 26 ágú 2006 2388 Israel flag 112 101 7 4 15 [Skora á]
mateintwo 17 ágú 2006 2384
74 66 8 0 7 [Skora á]
amed66 24 maí 2006 2378 Italy flag 196 145 19 32 14 [Skora á]
cro_kramnik 29 ágú 2005 2374 Croatia flag 181 103 63 15 8 [Skora á]
fgonper 6 júl 2006 2371 Nicaragua flag 74 66 6 2 3 [Skora á]
AndyWo 9 feb 2007 2365 Germany flag 162 144 12 6 47 []

Svara Áframsenda

InakiPoland flag
Gambitshark, you are 200 points stronger - do you feel yourself as if your chess has improved by 200 rating points in that time? Or maby it's just a rating megadeflation?

GambitsharkIceland flag
Well,I dont know...Likely I stand for at least those 2350 as that is about what I have in ICCF corr..2500+ do not tell all the story as it is possible to get high ELO with smart play thinking most of the ELO as I have did for some time to get the top place were is icecold..but if I remember right it was about one year ago or so when Miguel chance the rating system.
Happy new year Inaki with good rating to you.. ;-)

InakiPoland flag
Thanks - good luck for you too. Well what to say - I don't know much about iccf corr rating, I just want to say that my rating here is >2000 - if I compare it to my OTB performance - well hm there is a considerable gap between those two. :)

badblockBrazil flag
Where are the Zoki's profile ???

GambitsharkIceland flag
Zoki74..is not with us anymore..here on the server.

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