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Topic: evans gambit
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luongo_00001Canada flag
i was looking up some new openings for white and i came acrossed the evans gambit i like how its played and according to chessgames.com its overall record it 55% for white 33% for black but it hasnt been used at all in GM play in the last few years i was just woundering if any one knew why

TwinigoCanada flag
IMO I think the Evans gambit for White and the Benko gambit for Black are the best gambits you can get. They're perfectly sound and can lead to excitings games for the pawn. The others gambits are either too risky or weak... Excluding the Queen gambit of course :-)

TheAlchemistSlovenia flag
Most of those games in the Evans are from the 19th century I suspect. More recently, Kasparov used it to beat Anand in a famous game in 1995, it was good for a surprise, but since then, black has found ways to equalize (for example, Beliavsky defeated Karjakin in the European Championship in 2006).

Twinigo is right about the soundness of gambits (maybe we could add some lines in the Slav defence, where White sacrifices his c4 pawn), but on our level many others should be playable.

For example, Spassky was the last great champion of the King's Gambit and was very successful with it (I think he was undefeated) and his games are well worth looking at.

Excluding the Queen gambit of course

That's not even a proper gambit :-D , if anything, the Blackmar-Diemer should be dubbed the true Queen's Gambit.

GambitsharkIceland flag
At the 1.e4 e5 openings for white is the Kingsgambit the strongest one at the gambit lines. Some wariatons are dubios ofcourse but its the wildest and most fun opening I know with famous history from the days of Morphy..only the real best players or computers on black side can beat good prepared white player.
Evans gambit is also good choice as it had already been pointed out and we must not forget the Scottish gambit who is danger to unware black player..(1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 exd4 4.c3!?)Training in gambit play is very good to be better in tactic and combination play of chess.. ;-)

TwinigoCanada flag
For the Evans gambit, Nigel Short just used it with a nice win in round 2 of the Wijk Ann Zee 2008 edition.

HokZ157United States flag
I like the Evans :-D

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