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Topic: I HATE TRAPS!!!
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luongo_00001Canada flag
i recently fell for a few trapes, and i was woundering if anyone new any trapes -- not to use (i dont think any one should ever use them) but to know if some one is useing them agaised me

capmoBrazil flag
I believe traps are part of the game and don't see any problem in using them or falling victim to one.

TwinigoCanada flag
Try not to leave any pieces unproctected, most traps are available because of this.

luongo_00001Canada flag
well i just dont like memerizing traps to use because it dosent improve your chess at all.. and a lot of traps -- if someone nos about them can use the againsed you

AstrellapUnited States flag
I keep falling into traps. While I don't like them, I understand why they are used. With practice, I am learning to recognize traps and not fall into them. Given the chance I would use a trap.

GambitsharkIceland flag
Okay guys, TRAPS and pits and falls..that is what chess is about..how could anyone win a game without this?..I learned when I was young from Aljekine about pawns traps and pawns combinations.Traps can improve our game when we study them and learn from them. Pawn sacrifices is to get inative and some of them are really traps..Poison pawns are the most often seen traps in games. I show you here one of such played in Masterclass in European tournament in corr 1995. Played before the real computer days..my shortest game ever in corr...

White: Kári Elíson (Gambitshark)
Black: K.F.Poulheim Germany


1.e4 e5 2.f4 Bc5 3.Nf3 d6 4.c3 Qe7!? 5.d4...(Is this a trap or what?..black can kill at d4 and then with the QueenAlice at e4 with check!..yes,it is a trap but white do not spoile his position if black dont fall into the trap..5.d4 is just a good move!) CONTUNE was:...5.exd4
6.cxd4 -Qxe4+? (best was 6.Bb6 with okay game for black...now he is lost!) 7.Kf2 Bb6 8.Bb5+ resign. 1-0

Black loses his Queen or been mated as for 8.Kf8 8.Kd8 or 8.c6 will be answered with 9.Re1..

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