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amed66France flag
Many movies of Stanley Kubrick are related with chess: Sterling Hayden plays chess against a russian in The Killing, in Lolita Humbert and Charlotte are playing chess and, the most famous reference, David plays against the computer HAL9000 in 2001: A Space Odissey. The game David vs. HAL9000 had already played in Hamburg between Roesch and Schlage (1913).
In Paths of Glory the floor of the large hall is a great chessboard and characters are dressed in white and black and disposed like a chesspieces.
A Clockwork Orange and Shining are full of floor that seems chessboards.
But a deeper level of analysis all movies are founded on relations of strengt, on calculus of probability, where the boldness and caution are mixed.
The robbery (The Killing), militar strategy (Paths of Glory, Spartacus, Dr. Strangelove, Full Metal Jacket), political manoeuvres (A Clockwork Orange) and personal (Lolita, Barry Lyndon, Eyes Wide Shut), reveal the same pattern of regular advanced, full of games of force, that are also a struggle against the time - in other words The Death.
But my preferred movie is Eyes Wide Shut with all that queens... so undressed :-D

rubenovColombia flag
how many movies can be identified with the board set up wrong? like a black square on h1?

rodanteroRomania flag
I heard that a movie about Bobby Fischer's life will be made...I hope the "commercial" approach will be left aside

ChernevUnited States flag
If you watch the John Carpenter remake of The Thing, the Chess position is pretty inconsistent from the first time the viewer sees his computer screen to the next scene. Also from this position (seen from the second shot of MacReady's computer screen):


MacReady moves K-R1:


The computer replies R-N6 Checkmate:


WTF? No wonder MacReady poured Whiskey into the computer :-(O)

(Sorry for just the notation, I don't know how to set up Chess boards for the forum and there doesn't seem to be a FAQ page to tell users how to do this.)

kloosterveenNetherlands flag


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