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Topic: Do you analyze your games? Do you use a comp engine?
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Odie_SpudUnited States flag
I still don't trust them completely in anything except a tactical situation. In the following position Chess Tiger wants to play 21.Nge4 with about a .75 P advantage to White. I played 21.Nxf7 which it evaluates as slightly in Black’s favor (-.15). It took the engine another half dozen moves to realize White was winning.


richerbyUnited Kingdom flag
You can post positions here by writing (fen), then the position, then (/fen) (but using square brackets around `fen' rather than the square ones). Chess Tiger will probably have a `copy position to clipboard' command that will produce the appropriate FEN string. In this case,


For the record, Fritz 8 thinks that 21.Nge4 is best (+1.13) but that 21.Nxf7 is nearly as good (+0.97). These are to 17 ply but the evaluation wasn't much different at earlier depths -- Nge4 was consistently best but only by a couple of tenths at most. My computer's too old and slow to go beyond 17 ply. :-)

Odie_SpudUnited States flag
Thanks for the info. I did not let the engine think more than about 3 minutes. I think most players would play 21.Nxf7 here without much thought. What I'm not sure about is how one would use an engine here to devise a plan. Any suggestions?

richerbyUnited Kingdom flag

Odie_Spud wrote: I did not let the engine think more than about 3 minutes.

*nod* By the time I posted, Fritz had been thinking for about 20 minutes (old computer -- 900MHz Pentium III). I've just run the search again and it scores Nxf7 at about +0.4 until about 13 ply, at which point it jumps up to about +0.9. That's about 40s into the search.

I think most players would play 21.Nxf7 here without much thought.

I'm not sure I would have, actually. :-) Must practice the old tactics some more! So, in my case, the engine says to me ``Play 21.Nge4 or, if you want, 21.Nxf7.'' That causes me to look at the two moves and try to work out why they're supposed to be good and, at that point, I start to see the tactical aspects of 21... Kxf7.

What I'm not sure about is how one would use an engine here to devise a plan.

The engine doesn't help an awful lot in devising plans. All it does is tell you what moves are part of its plan of ``Play the moves that maximize the score of the position.'' The hope is that these moves will correspond to the sort of plan that a human can see and develop.

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