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Topic: Claiming Draw
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PudVeinUnited States flag
I have a game that is repeated the position at leats 3 times. My opponent will not accept a draw. Is there a way to claim a drawn game?

GambitsharkIceland flag

PudVeinUnited States flag
a "claim draw" button appeared. Was this a feature before or did this situation create it?

razomanPhilippines flag
It will appear on the 3rd repetition.

AstrellapUnited States flag
By position, do you mean the pieces are ending up in on the same squares as they previously were? I am tryinf to learn this draw by repitition. Thank yyou

richerbyUnited Kingdom flag
If the same position appears three times, you can claim a draw. Two positions are the same if the arrangement of the pieces is the same, the same player has the move and the same moves are legal. It doesn't matter if the move leading up to the position was the same in all cases.

(Just to be absolutely clear, it's only the type of piece and the square it's on that matters. Having your queen's knight on a1 and your king's knight on a2 is the same as having your king's knight on a1 and your queen's knight on a2. The point about the same moves being available can come into play if en passant or castling was a possibility the first time the position came up but not subsequently.)

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