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Topic: Looking for a bright sentence relating Chess and Coffee
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RayDuque3United States flag
For me, drink green tea not coffee because of the caffeine, play chess and dancing with my wife of 34 years and counting.

Ray Duque III
New York City

capmoBrazil flag
"Ebony and ivory live together in (almost) perfect harmony...
side by side on my chessboard...
just like a good cup of coffee and milk!" :-D :-D

RayDuque3United States flag
No, but I don't like caffeine that's why I prefer a tea and only just a tea but green tea and of course with dancing and chess.

Ray Duque III
New York City

razomanPhilippines flag
Coffee? Black or white! :-D :-(O)

RayDuque3United States flag
That's coffee and cake after a good dinner and a dessert. ;-)

Ray Duque III
New York City

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