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Topic: Too many games!
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KarlHeinzSwindlerCanada flag
A fellow from Brazil challenged me and he takes so long to make his moves. I checked his games out. He is playing 122 games at once! Frankly, I think that is rather strange and absurd. How could anyone keep track of all of those games. No wonder he has lost 694 matches.

GambitsharkIceland flag
For some players it is easy to play about 100-200 games at same time if you have good freetime and have good energy. Some like many games to have more fun and play fast and are not thinking so much about the rating.
Some years ago myself played 140 corrgames (postal) rather easy,but ofcourse I was good orginesed and play many games with same opening.
Here on QueenAlice CampellMarcell played once more than 1000 games at same time,but that was only for the record and result was not so good for him. He pley few games now...Peoble are different with different thinking how many games are best to handle at same time!

Good luck to you! ;-)

richerbyUnited Kingdom flag

KarlHeinzSwindler wrote: A fellow from Brazil challenged me and he takes so long to make his moves.

And he is entitled to. You agreed to play a game in which each player has two weeks to play each move. If you are unhappy waiting so long between moves, you shouldn't have accepted the challenge.

In any case, 24 moves since the end of January seems entirely reasonable to me -- on average, that's about a move every 36 hours. And, if your opponent is moving very slowly, you can use the time you're not having to spend on that game to play another one at the same time.

Odie_SpudUnited States flag
One move every 36 hours is fast! Before the Internet it wasn’t unusual for CC games to last 1-1/2 to 2 years. I played in many US Open CC Championships where all three rounds took 6 years or more. International CC events were even worse.

GambitsharkIceland flag
Last year I finist ICCF thematic tournament in Kingsgambit that actually had been on play for 12 years..I started in the first group 1995..It has been useful and learning long run!


At RHP there was a player who had 1700 games in progress at one time.

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