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Topic: What is the average rating?
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What is the average rating here at Queen Alice. It seems like the ratings here are substantially higher than other sites.


richerbyUnited Kingdom flag
I don't know what the average rating is here but it's not a problem that your rating here is a bigger number than your rating on some other site. Ratings are not absolute measures of chess strength; rather, they are measures of performance (in terms of wins, losses and draws) against a pool of rated players. The significant thing about Alice and Bob having ratings of, say, 1500 and 1600 is that Bob's rating is 100 points higher than Alice's, which suggests a certain probability that Bob will a game between them. Most importantly, any difference of 100 points (say, from 2500 to 2600 or even 1000500 to 1000600) gives the same probability.

So, it wouldn't make any difference to the rating system if, tonight, everybody had 1000 added to their rating. You can expet your rating here to be correlated with your rating at any correspondence site but there's no reason to expect them to be about the same number.

I realize that. I was just asking because I am about average at most sites and I would like to play against equal opponents.

razomanPhilippines flag
The ratings are temporary specially here as you can play a lot of games. The more you play the more temporary your rating is.

paladinGermany flag
Sorry, but it's the other way round: the more you play the less temporary your rating is! That means that your rating becomes more and more reliable concerning your real playing strength.

razomanPhilippines flag
What I mean is the more you games you play the more you win, lose or draw then your rating changes . Of course it will show a trend towards your real strength.

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