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MikeDohertyCanada flag
You obviously misunderstood what I am saying here e2cp.

I was offended at the way you insulted other members implying they are "stupid"...

Now you think Canadians are two types??

I am a very PROUD CANADIAN and take pompus comments from windbags very seriously.

Stop all these long forums, this is chess discusion, not insulting the GREATEST PLACE IN THE WORLD TO LIVE.

thanks for listening people, enjoy chess!!!!

miguelUnited States flag
Please stop posting on this thread before it gets any worse.

Also I'd like you all to know that I consider stereotyping someone on the basis of his/her nationality as a form of discrimination and that violates the rules of this site, so please calm down and let me just worry about the new server instead of this stuff. Ok?

No need to reply, just leave it there please.


tewaldUnited States flag
Georgiaflag, that just illustrates why provisional ratings don't mean much. According to the instructions, an unrated player who loses gets the opponent's rating minus 400 points. Don't worry...if he/she is that bad, that rating will plummet very quickly.

georgiaflagUnited States flag
miguel I'm sorry I caused so much of this, it wasn't suppose to carry into different subject matters.

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