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Topic: I need some advice about gentleman play
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JoseASeguroSaint Lucia flag
Hello there! I'm playing a game http://www.queenalice.com/game.php?id=370891 on which I have lost a tower for a bishop, I decided not to resign because I didn't see it was a clearly losing position. I thought a plan in order to force a draw, which depended on a possible mistake of my opponent. Now my opponent had made this mistake that allow me to check continuously, I know it is legal, it's in the rules of chess, (repetition of positions) but my question is: Is it moral? Is it gentleman play to do it? :-/

razomanPhilippines flag
I think the system will give notice, like "claim a draw". Its a draw by perpetual check.

OnceuponEngland flag
War is war.

But if you're worried about "gentlemanly conduct", then inform your opponent of your intention to perpetually check. In OTB play, hands would shake at this point and that would be that (unless, of course, your opponent is no gentleman - in which case you'd simply stick two fingers up :-P ).

m_2788Brazil flag
I think that you, like my opponent in the link´s game proved that you were right in dont resign!

I and your opponent have to play better to deserve the win... :-(O)

RayDuque3United States flag
If you see the game a draw, ask your opponent a draw.

Ray Duque III
New York City

JoseASeguroSaint Lucia flag
Thank you all, I was worried about that, and all of you have opened my mind. In conclusion, Onceupon is right: War is war, it’s my prerogative to continuous check. I will inform my opponent in the next move with a message and I will offer him a draw. Thanks all!!! :-D

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