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Topic: tie-break change
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miguelUnited States flag
Effective immediately, the tie-break procedure for tournaments is as follows:

1. the player with the highest rating wins
2. a random player wins

In other words, the "average opposition score" tie-break has been removed.

I will update the Help section to reflect this change in the following days.


sakhanPakistan flag

whyBishNew Zealand flag
Just wondering why this change was made. It means that the second ranked player would need to upset the first ranked player twice rather than once to get through.

In my opinion, the best player should win the tournament. Not the player with the highest rating or a random player, but the best player. To find the best player, just have the tied players continue to an additional round where they play each other once more, if they tie again, just add additional rounds as needed until the better player wins.

This new tie-break criteria the way it is explained sounds like the casino concept of a 21-draw=>the house wins. If two or more players have the same number of points they should all go on to the next round. If it is the last round than they should be co-winners. In OTB tourneys, the tie-break makes sense because it is applied for the benefit of CASH prices and trophies. I do agree with whyBish that it is unfair for the
lower rated player to have at least 0.5 plus points over a higher rated player to go on to the next round. In any case the benefit of going
on to the next round should go to the lower rated
player for beating the rating odds.
I can see now why my higher rated opponent in the current second round of a tournament suddenly seems to have no interest in fighting out our drawn games.
I don't agree with Drew that you should continue
into new rounds until there is a winner. Remember
the Karpov-Kasparov match using this concept,
were both players were exhausted ad-naseum and the
everlasting match was suspended by Campomanes!

paladinGermany flag
I never met anything like that in my tournaments of the ICCF nor IECG nor on any other private chess site whatsoever. The higher rated wins the tie-break? And I am playing since long and on a rather high level (IM). Would you eventually think over that decision miguel?

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