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Topic: 1 f3
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whyBishNew Zealand flag
I've been playing around with this against my computer, and would like to try it out here sometime, but have heard that this is considered an insult by some people. Are there any moves by an opponent that would offend you?

Odie_SpudUnited States flag
No. As GM Alex Yermolinsky once said, “I’m happy when people play that weak stuff against me.” I recently had a postal opponent get in a snit when I played 1.g4 against him. He was rated mid-1800’s and wanted to know if I played it against the master also playing in the event. At move 14 he offered a draw and when I refused he got huffy about that too. Apparently my opening did offend him.

whyBishNew Zealand flag
I've heard second hand about a ~2300 player over here that uses an f3 system successfully in tournament play. I have no idea what the system is, but apparently includes 2 kf2 ?h4 & ?Nh3. I've learnt that an early fianchetto of the queen bishop is fatal (OK, so it should have been obvious...). It does seem to have a few benefits.

the_knifeFrance flag
I don't know about this opening. And I won't study this system because if I play it against good players, I will have good chances to lose. But you have the right to play every move you want. And an opponent who complains about your move is certainly very pretentious.
If he feels insulted by your move, then you have won the psychological battle, which must be the purpose of this move.
But personnaly I wouldn't care and I would have the Yermolinsky approach against f3. 8-)

TwinigoCanada flag
Maybe 1.f3 is to prepare protection for a future e4? In most opening the pawn at e4 is mostly vulnerable to attack with no one to cover it. Either that or the white player want to get too flashy by playing 2.Kf2 at his second move... :-X

PhilidorUnited States flag
I play this every so often, even 2.Kf2 once in awhile and beat Shredder on occasion with it (albiet on it's 1940 ELO rating). The idea is to provoke aggression by black so that pieces get traded and white is positionally better in the endgame since on f2 the king is closer to the center then blacks castled king. Although there is an obvious danger of white going down in flames but best play (computer vs. itself) leads to an equal position in spite of the initial losing evalution.

1.f3 is also good to play 2.g3 and 3.Bg2 in a porcupine position.

In any event it's better then popular opinion on it.

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