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PatouCanada flag
I tried many many things over the years, as white mainly 1. d4; 1. c4; 1. e4; and the King's Indian Attack (Nf3, g3, Bg2, o-o, etc.)

Until very recently I was playing 1. e4, and against the sicilian responded with the smith-morra gambit 2. d4 cxd4 3. c3, and I'm not sure whether I had good results with that or not lol, I should check. But for a few weeks now I've gotten back to 1. c4, I think it throws people more off than 1. e4, and although it's less tactical, it's more positional and has given me good results so far -- mostly that people are less used to play against that than against 1. e4

as Black, I play the caro-kann against 1.e4, and I have this weird opening, the gurgenidze counterattack against 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 (main line) b5?!. But I played the pirc for the longest, with excellent results; I played the center-counter game 1. e4 d5 for quite a while too, and had very good results with it too, and it made me practise both my tactics and endgames (mainly Rook and double-Rook endings).

against 1. d4, I'm kind of in a bad spot right now lol.. I used to play the Benko Gambit (1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 b5), but sometimes I find it hard when in the middlegame to find a good plan.. I used to play the slav or semi-slav, too, but I hated my opponent having an outpost on e5 (having played the pirc for so long against 1.e4, I'm not used to it).. so now, against 1. d4 I'm trying stuff, such as the nimzo-indian, or still the slav or semi-slav, or some kind of ...c6 and ...d6 duo...

oh well, that's about it.. sorry if my message was long -- I always was kind of interested in openings, and trying out stuff helps develop abilities in many aspects of the game (positional play, tactics and/or endings), so I suggest it *even if* it makes messages longer when asked about your beloved openings :)

whyBishNew Zealand flag
Against d4:
I used to play the slav a lot, but switched to orthodox QGD. It seems to suit my play better (i.e. unbalanced open files/pawn structure). I want to switch to an indian defence, but have been getting creamed in the few times I've dabbled with them so far (I like space too much).

In 200 or so games here(so ~100 as black I can only remember a couple that started with c4, and noone has tried f4 against me yet.). I've started all my games with d4, and only maybe 4/5 my opponent went Benoni or Benko, I've had trouble with most of those games, partly because I don't hit it often, and it requires different optimal placements to QG games, and partly because those that have played it against me were all higher rating.

Against 1c4:
Yeah, I have problems against this as black, I'm so used to playing sicilian, it is hard to play a more symettrical game where both sides a coiled waiting for their moment in the centre. I find it hard to time when to enter the arena.

ClivetheBeardWales flag
Problem with the Slav = Exchange Variation

Problem with the Semi-Slav = too much theory.

Try Janowski's line 1.d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 a6!?

C :-)

paladinGermany flag
The problem Patou (and whybish too) you both seem to have - among 99% of standard/medium players - is that you follow lines, sublines and variations which may be clinically sound and recommended by theory but which (I suppose) don't correspond to your personal positional preferences and abilities. It doesn't make sense if theory gives you a big plus but you find yourself in a position which is not "yours'"! And - as I suppose too - you're relying on OTB games played even on a high level but compared to high level correspondence games are not reliable enough as very often the time factor is decisive for the outcome of a game. You can't be successful in every kind of opening you should choose the one where you feel right at home. The 1.c4 complex is asking for a completely different positional understanding than the Smith-Morra Gambit in the Sicilian - to give you just one example.

whyBishNew Zealand flag
Well, it's not so much intentional, just that I'm still searching;) I'm still intending to try the benoni defence for a while at some stage (even if I don't think it will suit), and I'd also like to have a go at the f5. I just need to find the time to practice against the comp first before playing against real people :)

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