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Topic: Wouldn't it be nice if...
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WinsomelosesomeEngland flag
Hi folks. I declined a game of chess with someone on the grounds that I would be on vacation in a couple of weeks. I did not want them thinking I was running out on the game because I might be losing. After giving it some thought I came to the conclusion that it was a blunder! What I should have done is what I'm about to do now.

If anyone wishes to have a game rated or unrated please remember that I WILL be on vacation for 16 days beginning 20th August 2008. I will try to find an internet cafe where I can log on and make my moves so do not be surprised to see me making moves even though I am on vacation. Then again do not be surprised if I do not make any moves because I'm on vacation :-(O)

The reason I'm giving forwarning is because of all the bad feelings that some people have about players taking vacations when in losing positons. I have no idea what position the game/s will be in when I'm on vacation! So this should set some peoples minds at ease and know that if I (probably will) wind up in a losing position that I have not run out on the game.

Thats the reason for the Title subject.
wouldn't it be nice IF we could give forewarning of vacations!


Cueball600Canada flag
I'm fairly new here, but isn't that what the "Schedule Vacation" in the Preferences is for? At the time you schedule your vacation, is it possible to send your ongoing opponents an email to confirm that you are on vacation AND configure yourself to NOT accept any new challenges while you are away? Just wondering.

WinsomelosesomeEngland flag
Hi Cueball, the schedule vaction does not inform your opponents that you are on vacation until they look at their games and see a little basketball indicating that the person they are playing is on vacation, I could be wrong here.

I believe that you can configure it to not allow more games whilst on vacation, I think it might do this automatically.

I only posted what I did because now if i'm playing games and it so happens that i'm in a bad spot and I go on vacation my opponents cannot think that i'm running out on the games.

Good luck in your chess

OnceuponEngland flag

I only posted what I did because now if i'm playing games and it so happens that i'm in a bad spot and I go on vacation my opponents cannot think that i'm running out on the games.

That's the idea behind Schedule Vacation and is all you need to worry about.

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