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Topic: Queen Alice vs Over The Board
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Hi everyone,
I've found recently that playing on Queen Alice has really compromised my over the board skills.
My spacialisation and visualisation skills have really atrophied since playing on here. I guess because of my over-reliance on the 'think' feature calculations that I could once easily do in my head, I really struggle with now.
Has this happened to anyone else?
I wonder what the best remedy is.
I really don't have much opportunity to play OTB these days (most of my chessplaying friends live very far away from me), but on a recent trip to a friend's house I was playing worse than when I was just learning!!
I will be using the think option less frequently, any other advice would be welcomed.

KenshoNetherlands flag
You've answered your own question. For you the best remedy is: stop using the think button! Your visual-spatial skills cant go down the hill that fast. Maybe your chessfriend has improved? Or you just had a bad day? Can happen to anyone. I dont think that chess on QA has a bad influence on playing real boards. Perhabs you should train more on pattern recognition than on deep moves for a while. Try the chess tactics server: http://chess.emrald.net/index.php

hey thanks for the advice and the link.

PositionalWizardCroatia flag
I am over the board player, I play live tournaments...I personally think that a think button can do more harm than good for otb players so i dont use it.Players who are stricly correspondence players are another story.For them it is good to use think button.Another thing.When i play here i dont use queenalice board to think my moves.I use real one.So that is my advice to you.

Many thanks Positional Wizard. That is very good advice.

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