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Topic: Fianchetto
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whyBishNew Zealand flag
Well, I always thought that black had the advantage, but I guess that puts me in the camp of crappy low level player where the first move initiative is frittered away :-P
There is nothing like winning with black, beating an opponent even when they had the opportunity to play their favourite opening :-)
Strangely though my stats here don't bear out my preferences. At the end of last year I was even with my black and white wins/losses. So far this year I have been winning more with black, but that is because I have kept to the same black opening, but switched my white opening.

FauquinelleNetherlands flag
The wise thing to do is to change your openings as often as you change your underwear: at least once a month. That will also keep you alert enough to be able to counter anything your opponent wil throw at you. Eventually. Once your favorite opponents know your favourite two opening strategies, you're downhill from there on, as they work out what to do against your preferred tactics! :-O


OnceuponEngland flag
I once played a particularly formidable opponent in an OTB match and don't mind telling you that I needed a change of underwear afterwards.

jcmPhilippines flag

The wise thing to do is to change your openings as often as you change your underwear: at least once a month.


OnceuponEngland flag
Right. Stop this! It's silly.

The thread began with a perfectly reasonable and potentially interesting chess discussion but has now degenerated into adolescent banter about undergarments.

Please let's have no further mention of anyone's unmentionables. Thank you.

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