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Topic: Blunders are so terrible these days
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Granger2009England flag
Hi all

I made 2 blunders against a player about 500 points lower then me.
My first was a mate I miss and then a piece in the second game because I was too embarrassed about the first one.
It's my first time I have been playing internet chess and it's quite hard for me to stop thinking of these mistakes I made. :^-(

CRG :-)

jcmPhilippines flag
It can happen to anyone. You'll soon forget them, but will remember them from time to time.

I recently dropped a Knight and resigned straight away from a mixture of annoyance and embarrassment.

Yesterday, I won a game against a player rated approximately 200 points above me when he failed to spot the mate threat. He resigned immediately.

We play, we win, we lose…and if we don’t lose then we are probably a computer program.

:-(O) :-(O) :-(O)

OnceuponEngland flag

C'mon Onceupon, where's the fun in that?

OnceuponEngland flag

C'mon Onceupon, where's the fun in that?

I know it's hard work for some but do make the effort to copy and paste the link. Boy! What fun you'll have!

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