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Topic: Ivanchuk's chess variant
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lithomanDenmark flag
Minus the kissing rule, it looks like an interesting game (even if an April Fool's joke), where both the king and queen cannot move into or be left in check and the game ends if either cannot move.

See http://www.chessbase.com/newsdetail.asp?newsid=5320

From the article:

"Capablanca brought us a 10x10 version of chess; Bobby gave us Fischer Random; Yasser Seirawan has one with two new pieces. Famous players tend to do this at the end of their active careers. But Vassily Ivanchuk has just turned forty, and is at the hight [sic] of his chess powers."

Now we know that Fauquinelle and Evjen are really Seirawan and Ivanchuk! They're just toying with us! :-O :-O :-D

FauquinelleNetherlands flag
Rats. We've been rumbled!


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