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Topic: Kids & Queen Alice & Chess
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togoychessSpain flag
My son is also at Queenalice, Togoychess (13 years old also).

Perhaps there is at QA a granfather-son-grandson family signed up?

And I hope there is no problem in having more than a player at the same computer.

Togoychess :-)

miguelUnited States flag

And I hope there is no problem in having more than a player at the same computer.

Not at all, as long as the players just share the computer and not their games!

Perhaps there is at QA a granfather-son-grandson family signed up?

Not a gran father but a all family ;-)
katasstrov (father), Chessyca (mother), two kids kasparrow (10 years old )and karamelle (11 years old) :)
So is there a bigger family here ????

jcmPhilippines flag
Kasparrow is only 10 years old? He's pretty good. :-)

Yes he is :-D He loves chess..... more than his mother :-/ .....

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