The main idea in this move is to force the white king to surrender the control of the e2 square. After 3.Kxg2, e2 the pawn promotes next move.
Ke1 or Ke2 don't help much either, black just take on f2 and again promotes on the next move.
The little subtlety here is 2...Bc4+ don't quite work. White can force a draw with 3.Rxc4!, Kxc4 4.fxe3 then at the expanse of both his pawns, the white king go for the morsel on f6. Black cannot both guard the f-pawn and prevents the queening of the whites pawns. A nice drawing resource
But it is puzzling why a 2498 rated player should be interested enough to respond to an "easy" problem such as this. I had a similar experience with my own thread here: