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Topic: puzzle
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DarkprincepsItaly flag
diagram chess midlegame's on the net ...www? ;-)

axedreItaly flag
Prego? ?:-(

OnceuponEngland flag
Wibble wobble :-P

(Let me know if I was off topic.)

DarkprincepsItaly flag
hello Andy,how are you? im sorry for me bad english,i looking to one book puzzle: advanced openings chess by LazloPolgar (y 1997) if you know these or yours friends ...

DarkprincepsItaly flag
ciao axedre con www intendevo chiedere info su un sito di scacchi : 30000 diagrams midle game chess..che non riesco più a rintracciare..

axedreItaly flag
Onceupon, you are off topic de jure. ;-)

Darkprinceps, non conosco il sito a cui alludi e non l'ho trovato neanche con una breve ricerca. Mi dispiace! :-/

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