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Topic: Rybka evaluation needed
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OnceuponEngland flag

Honestly, I can't understand why the engines don't give Black a serious advantage.

Try playing one :-P

But let's not forget that Old Rybka didn't see the Knight sacrifice in Kasparov's recent game against Karpov whilst New Rybka apparently did:


Game 2 in the thread.

22. Nf6+!

seigneurCanada flag
Funny you should mention this... I wrote something about that exact position on my blog. It's in French, but if you're interested...


Basically, what I did was, I tried to see how long it would take for chessmaster to see the knight sacrifice. I had to wait a little over 11 minutes for it to see it properly. I tested another engine with another position, and I gave up after 7 minutes or so.

Everything's explained, but again, in French...

OnceuponEngland flag

Everything's explained, but again, in French...


Sounds like you're a little biased when it comes to Chessmaster, giving it longer to think :-P

But I hate it! It cripples the PC whilst showing off with its flashy thingys and wotnots and booming Yankee voice. I tried turning that bloody thing off and it continued to bawl at me >:-(

Seriously, if you're over 12 use a proper engine and get rid of that irritating toy.

seigneurCanada flag
You mean chessmaster? You can turn that off in the options...

I'm thinking about buying Fritz or Rybka. But as of right now, I'm unemployed, and have been unemployed for like 5 months (well, ever since I finished school). Let's just say I've had days where my wallet had more money in it. ;-)

OnceuponEngland flag

You can turn that off in the options...

As I said, that didn't work >:-(

...Rybka, arguably currently the best engine in the world...

What about Stockfish. This may currently be the strongest free engine.

Cor. Why do they give 'em such stupid names >:-(

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