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Topic: Optimum Rating Increase.
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OnlyJokingEngland flag
Is there an optimum gap between two players whereby the weaker gains the most rating points from a win?

FauquinelleNetherlands flag
Yes, 399 points. Lower rated winner gains 32 points.
(See: About This Site - Ratings)

OnlyJokingEngland flag
Thanks 'F'. I found the Ratings explanation a little complicated (mind you, I never did math at school - or English come to that).

OnceuponEngland flag
Curiously, the hating system is more of a mystery.

Do not see: About This Site > Hatings

I found the Ratings explanation a little complicated...

Do not attempt to understand it in practice.

OnlyJokingEngland flag
Isn't Hatings where they have the chess tournaments?

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