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Topic: masterpiece or is there a bust?
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RaethUnited States flag
Also it brings to mind the quote from a famous GM (I would have to look it up to find out which one said it):

"Its not the soundness of a move that matters as much as the force of the psychological effect".

That is a pretty amazing comment for a GM to make and also brings to mind a statement from Kasparov:

"I can't imagine a game without errors in it".

All that being said, we always need to strive for perfection in every move (which is why my rating is only 1500 and I have lost half my games %-) )

GambitsharkIceland flag
I think black play very lively tactic with some nice surprise moves.
This is some kind of play I like and its always fun to see games like this. :-)

razomanPhilippines flag
and Fischer also said "a perfect game from both sides is a draw". Chess becomes boring then. :-P

RaethUnited States flag
Well I wouldn't say boring because its a serious challenge to play perfectly. :)

(hahaha, but I feel your pain because those closed games where nothing is happening or when your opponent keeps defending perfectly are sooo frustrating :-D )

razomanPhilippines flag
mutually frustrating! :-(O)

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