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Topic: Your favourite chess player?
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MirokBrazil flag
Vasily Smyslov

JungJoeUnited States flag
I am a 66 years old guy and have been playing chess off and on, mostly off since I was 8 years old. My dad, God bless him, taught me. As I said, my chess has been mostly off. But of late I have really been turned on by the game again. My guru right now is Edward Lasker, not to be confused Emanuel Lasker. His approach to teaching the game makes so much sense to me. He believe for one to be a good player they really need to have the end game in mind. Counter intuitive to me when I first read his on-line book, but after giving it do consideration it all comes together. His approach is, now keep in mind this is simplified, but his approach is if you can achieve the slightest advantage in the middle game head for the end game. I have tried this approach and my rating has consistently gone up. Its not the greatest, but its the best it has ever been.

ClausimausiGermany flag
Meine Lieblingschachspieler sind Garry Kasparov und Max Euwe.

PlinioSalgadoBrazil flag
Tigran Vartanovich Petrosian...

scandienFrance flag
Bobby !

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