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Topic: Lorfman, Cunha and Bergman
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whyBishNew Zealand flag
You can't sac the rook for the bishop since you don't control the queening square.

JungJoeUnited States flag
whyBish states the problem so eloquently. The problem for Black is lack of control of the queening square. The Bishop controls or should I say does not control the correct colored square (the queening square) at the most in-op moment. Something to think about in other games as we move into the end game. Thanks whyBish

Thomas_A_AndersonJamaica flag
@Gambitshark: I wouldn't accept Lorfmans Game offering with this position. In the discussed position here, White simply plays Be6 and Rg8 in the next two moves and then his king starts moving to the kingside. Checkmate can then only be prevented by the help of the rook (i.e. via a1-g1), what means to sacrificing the Bd8 and end up in a lost position.

kingdaveUnited States flag
Thomas, I'm assuming that Le6=Be6, and Tg8=Rg8. Given that, your approach sounds much like the "gallant try" that JungJoe outlined. The argument sounds valid to me, so I wonder why a search engine wouldn't find it.

Thomas_A_AndersonJamaica flag
Why engines don't find it? Good question, didn't someone in this thread stated that they do after a long time of "thinking". Maybe it's just to far away for the computation horizon and they usually have problems in finding plans in endgames without material gains. But you will see that it works in your "Gallant Try" game against JungJoe.


p.s.: thx for the typo corrections

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