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Topic: Lorfman, Cunha and Bergman
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whyBishNew Zealand flag
Bringing the white king to the kingside has two issues that need to be overcome.
1) The black king can reach and blockade on h4/g5, so the white king can't make progress because the rook can't block both squares and the bishop can't help with them either.
2) The white king needs to pass through the g-file and blacks rook can cu it off (conceding the bishop)

I'm not sure how to get past these obstacles.

whyBishNew Zealand flag
Comp provides a sample line that does break through. The key is to shift the bishop to the other side of the pawn structure to remove mobility of the rook, and cut it off from the bishop.

Kf7 Be6+ Kf6 Ke2 Kg6 Kf3 Kg5 Rg8+ Kh4 Bg4 Ra8 Kg2 Rb8 Be2 Ra8 Ba6 Kh5 Kh3 Rb8 Bb7 Kh6 Bc8 Bf6 Rf8 Bg5 Kg4 etc.

JungJoeUnited States flag
kingdave and I are trying the "gallant try" game. The idea is not to break through by queening the pawn, but rather mate the king with the B, R and K. Blacks Rook is no help at all for if it ever leaves the back rank good by bishop. The black bishop is useless as well. The theory is that White can keep the opposition by a series of rook and bishop checks as needed. Eventually # or so the theory does. lol

Thomas_A_AndersonJamaica flag
@whybish: In your example second white move should be Rg8, but even in your variation instead of Bg4 white only needs to play Rg4 and the white king intrudes over g4 after either Kh5/Bf7/Kh6/Rg8 or Kh3/Rf4/Kh2/Rf8.
But one very nice variation might be worth mentioning: Black can radically play 1.Kf7/Be6/Kg6/Rg8/Kh5/Bf7/Kh4 This needs white to change the plan and play Kc4. In that position black is in a nice "Zugzwang"-situation. Ra8 will loose now after Kb5/Rb8/Ka6 and Kh3 will put the king one square to far away. After Rxd8/Rxd8/Kb5 he find his way back one move too late.
If IwillSMASHyou has seen this variation, I would have appreciated to see him playing it so that all can participate. Ain't these things the reason for many of us to play this game?
for me they are 8-)

It may be the way you are using the engine. Can you play it against itself? I played a Rybka vs. Rybka match in Arena (free GUI) and that result agrees with Thomas.

Black can't keep the rook on the home file and also prevent the white king moving to the kingside. That leads to the eventual loss of the bishop when white queens and the rest is just a matter of time.

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